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About the project is becoming the most popular site in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. If you decide to buy or sell a car, our website will help you. After using the convenient and easy to use auto-search function you can easily find a new or used car that you like. Additional site features will compare the selected vehicle static, completeness, characteristics, technical specifications and price. The site will also show up advertisement that you will be interested in. You can also write a letter to the seller directly from the site. We strive to make the site high performing and user friendly so that all users can find what they are looking for concurrently and it becomes simpler and more understandable to the user. That's why we regularly update and improve our program code. We hope that our work will get your attention. Our goal is to make sure that your site visit is as pleasant as possible and that you always achieve the desired result. We aim that customers can quickly find what they are looking for and retailers/sellers can successfully sell their vehicles.